Welcome to
John & Gloria's
Home Page

We are constantly upgrading our site.
Check back on a regular basis to see what has been added.

 If you like the background, feel free to capture it. It makes GREAT wallpaper and if you would like a copy, click here to download Wildlife.bmp in a Self-Extracting Zip file. Double click on Wildlife.exe from Explorer and it will extract the BMP file to your C:\Windows directory. Then right click any open spot on your desktop, choose properties, and for wallpaper choose Wildlife.

Our Utilities page will lead you to a place where you can download (free) a special version of Microsoft !Plus that allows screen font smoothing, stretching wallpaper and a few other goodies only available in !Plus. This will give you full screen coverage, although it looks pretty good tiled on the desktop.

Topics of Interest

Internet Security Issues

Popular Utilities - Complete with Links

Personal Page - Pictures of us and our close friends

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